Data Science

Evaluating Multiple Benefits of Urban Rainwater Catchment Systems in Austin, Texas

This thesis quantified the energy reductions and urban heat island benefits of green infrastructure in Austin, TX. We also proposed specific policies to promote improved equity in future green infrastructure projects.

Finding Optimal Areas for Wind Developement

Wind power is an essential tool to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, installing wind projects poses challenges from permitting to NIMBY-ism. As part of a spatial analysis and environmental management course, I developed an ArcMap tool that takes information on roads, cities, airports, potential for fires, and land use to generate optimal sites for wind development.

Urban Heat Island, Tree Cover, and Communities

Air temperatures in cities are substantially higher than in adjacent rural areas. In the United States, the average difference can be as much as 16°F for severely affected cities (Imoff et al.

Class Participation by Gender in Environmental Education

Evaluating the Multiple Benefits of Urban Rainwater Capture in Austin, TX